The septic tank is where all the wastewater from your home goes to be pre-processed. Once the septic tank is full, bacteria decomposes the remaining waste and liquids drain out into a drain field or absorption system.
Avoid flushing non-biodegradable items such as cigarette butts, cotton buds/swabs, menstrual hygiene products and condoms into your septic system. Also, don’t do excessive loads of laundry back-to-back as this could overflow your septic tank and/or drain field. Contact Septic Tank Armadale now!

A septic tank is an underground storage chamber through which wastewater from your home flows. This system is designed for homes that are not connected to a public sewer and provides basic sewage treatment before the waste is dispersed into your soil. The septic tank is filled with waste, then microbes and enzymes begin to break it down.
A typical septic tank has three general components: solids or sludge, floatables, and a layer of water. The sludge is at the bottom of the tank and is made up of fats, oils, and other substances that will not dissolve in water. The floatables or scum layer is found on top of the sludge. This is where toilet paper, sanitary products, and other non-biodegradable items reside. Finally, the liquid layer is known as effluent and is the clean wastewater that is sent to your drain field or leach field.
Bacteria and other microbes live in the oxygen-free environment of your septic tank and perform the first stage of sewage treatment, generating gas and breaking down sludge into a liquid form. This process also deactivates many disease germs that could otherwise infect people.
The liquid effluent is then pumped out of the septic tank and into the drain field or leach field. The treated wastewater is then absorbed into the ground by bacteria. This is why it is important to only flush human waste and toilet paper down the drains and not cigarette butts, cotton swabs or q-tips, menstrual hygiene products, condoms, and other materials that can cause your septic tank to overflow and clog.
Depending on where you live, you may be required to get your septic system inspected regularly. Inspectors check the condition of your pipes, if there is any leaking and make sure there are no issues with the venting or drainage.
It is crucial to have your septic tank inspected and serviced by professionals who are licensed, insured, and certified. This will ensure that your septic system works correctly and will prevent costly repairs in the future. If your septic system isn’t serviced properly, it can lead to dangerous groundwater contamination. This is especially true if you live in an area with a lot of clay or rock.
Septic Tank Installation
Whether you have a new home in the country or you’re moving to a new property that requires an off-mains sewage system, working with a professional will ensure your septic tank is installed properly. An incorrectly installed septic system can lead to costly repairs and environmental contamination.
A septic tank is a buried water-tight container made of concrete, fiberglass or polyethylene. It’s large enough to hold the total sewage from one or more homes, typically a two-bedroom home will require a tank that holds 1,000 gallons of waste water. A septic tank that’s too small will not be able to sufficiently separate solids from the wastewater. Solids settle down to the bottom of the septic tank, forming sludge while oil and grease floats to the top, where it forms a layer called scum. The liquid wastewater (effluent) exits the septic tank, traveling to the soil absorption field or drain field.
The septic tank removes solids from the wastewater, protecting the soil absorption field from clogging and early failure. It also decomposes or breaks down disease germs in the sewage, reducing the amount of sewage that enters local waterways and lakes.
When bacteria break down the sewage, it generates gases, including hydrogen sulfide, which smells like rotten eggs. To reduce odors, the septic tank has a vent that opens to the outside air. The vent pipe is usually fitted with a filter to reduce odors entering the home.
Once the solids have accumulated in the tank, bacteria start to break down the waste. Over time, the septic tank will become almost empty.
It’s important not to add solids to the septic tank that could interfere with this process. Adding yard debris, tree roots or animal bones can prevent the tank from working as it should and can cause clogs in the drain field.
A septic system is an efficient way to treat wastewater and protect the environment. It keeps untreated sewage from contaminating lakes and rivers downstream from residential areas. It also helps keep groundwater clean, which many people rely on for drinking water.
Septic Tank Pumping
The septic tank should be inspected on an annual basis to ensure it is operating properly. If the septic tank is overflowing, it should be pumped immediately to avoid sewage backup into your home. The septic tank also should be pumped before the sludge and scum build up to the top of the liquid waste. When this occurs, the septic tank is overfull and unable to process incoming sewage, which can then clog the drain field.
The liquid sewage flows from your house through a pipe into the septic tank, where it is filtered by the soil. A septic tank is typically large enough to contain the wastewater from three or more households.
Once the septic tank fills, it needs to be pumped regularly to prevent sewage backup into homes and environmental contamination. The septic tank is filled with slow-biodegradable organic solids (feces), fast-biodegradable organic solids (toilet paper, kitty litter) and non-biodegradable solids (plastic, tin foil, etc). The faster the household produces waste, the quicker the septic tank fills and needs to be pumped.
When a septic tank is pumped, a professional removes the floating solids and sludge and disposes of them. During the pumping, the technician will check for signs of problems such as cracks or leaks and recommend any repairs needed to your septic system.
The tank’s contents are then pumped into a drainage receptacle, which is a porous pipe that goes into the soil to disperse the liquid waste. As the water soaks into the soil, a natural biological process digests any remaining sludge and solids. The resulting liquid is called effluent.
Some septic systems use pumps or gravity to help the effluent trickle through sand, peat or other organic material, constructed wetlands and other media to further purify it before it is discharged into the environment. These systems may be more environmentally friendly than conventional septic tanks. However, the effluent still carries pathogens, which can contaminate groundwater supplies. These systems are generally more expensive to install and require ongoing maintenance.
Septic Tank Repair
Septic tanks have numerous parts, so it’s possible that something will break or wear out over time. You can often catch these problems early with regular maintenance. Signs of a faulty septic system include pooling water, sewage odors in your home or yard, and clogged drains. If you see any of these signs, call a septic tank repair professional to investigate.
Septic tank repair costs vary based on the type of problem. For example, a cracked lid can cost more to replace than a crack in the side of the tank. A broken septic tank baffle or effluent filter may also be more expensive to fix than a hole in the tank itself. The best way to estimate how much a septic tank repair will cost is to contact the same company that oversees your tank’s pumping schedule. Many septic companies have flat fees for most repairs, and they will charge a fee for any additional inspection work that is needed.
Most septic tank repair costs are less than replacing the entire system, but replacement is the only option if your tank has completely failed. If your septic tank is damaged, it can’t hold wastewater or sewage, which can cause waste to back up into your home, contaminating groundwater, surface water, and your yard with bacteria, viruses, and foul smells.
Some septic tank problems can be prevented, especially by cleaning your drains regularly. If you are concerned that your septic tank is overflowing, this typically means that it’s full and needs to be pumped. It can also indicate a serious clog or leak that requires more costly repairs.
Other common preventive measures include planting grass and shallow-rooted plants over the absorption field and keeping trees, shrubs, and other tall plants away from it. These plants can grow into pipes and clog them. It’s also a good idea to conserve water, as this will help your septic system work more efficiently. You can also reduce your septic tank repair costs by using water-saving appliances and fixtures. In addition, installing a rain barrel can help to protect your septic tank and absorption field from excess rainfall.